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Cuomo: The Truth About His Pandemic Performance

Cuomo is an idiot for listening to idiots like Zucker. The problem is, Cuomo is only as effective as the people he listens to. No book will absolve him of this major failure.

It’s important to point out in advance that this article is NOT spawn from bartisen political interest. It is written to ensure that the truth about his poor performance is given equal time as Andrew Cuomo has attempted to publish his way out of the hell storm his management was responsible for. We don’t particularly care about his reputation or his public image, we care about the truth and why and where he failed. The story you’ll never hear and the one he will never tell you. He will give you a narative that absolves him of responisibility.

The big numbers of deaths which raged during the early months of the pandemic were a direct result of a policy/procedure/process that has existed in geriatric care for the last 40 years. Most ANY doctor who has ever practices KNOWNS how this works.

All this was made public but it was not really clear who and why. Here it is:

Patients that are to sick, acute, to be in a nursing home are transfered to acute care hospitals. These are patients that are the most volnerable. Imagine, you are sending patients out to hospitals where the COVID-19 is raging. So, here’s the crazy in all of this, the hospital sends the patients back to the nuring homes! You have to understand, this has been a process that has existed for 40+ years. Dr. Zucker should have known this, I can’t tell you that I don’t know ANY phsycians that don’t know how this works.

Looking back on this and watching the numbers of deaths click by, you start to think about it and understand how this loss of life is a completely stupid waste brought about by the lack of thinking on the part of Dr. Zucker. Looking at Andrew Cuomo’s pontificating and having this ass next to him at the table listening to these reports and not having a clue what’s going on is a sad statement on who leads. They are all self promoting gaslamping bozos that don’t know shit.

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