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Posts published in “Accidents and Safety”

Lightning Strike at Bronx Beach Kills 13-Year-Old Boy

The teenager, Carlos Ramos, was one of six people on Orchard Beach after lifeguards cleared the water with thunderstorms approaching on a blistering day, officials said. Source: New York Times

The Vessel at Hudson Yards Will Reopen With Changes

Visitors to the structure, located in Manhattan’s Hudson Yards complex, will no longer be able to enter alone, but its protective barriers will not be raised. Source: New York Times

Crane Accident in Midtown Manhattan Sends Debris Falling

The material that rained down from a tower terrified passers-by, though no one was injured. The building will be the second-tallest residential skyscraper in the city. Source: New York Times

Subway Derailment Injures 3, Officials Say

Three people had minor injuries after a northbound A train jumped the tracks at the 14th Street Station, officials said. Source: New York Times