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Posts published in “Colleges and Universities”

Early Decision Isn’t Binding. Let Us Explain.

If you can’t afford the price a college quotes you, you don’t have to go. We corrected an N.Y.U. blog post and rewrote the Common App for you. Source: New York Times

Why Columbia Student Workers Are Back On Strike

Columbia University’s student workers’ union, made up of 3,000 workers, is striking for the second time this year, calling for higher wages and more protections. Source: New York Times

529 Savings Plan: Why Every Penny Counts

New York City is giving every public school kindergartner $100 in a college savings account. Here’s why every penny matters. Source: New York Times

Why Does New York State Sue Its College Students?

Thousands of SUNY students have been taken to court by the attorney general’s office over tuition debt. And through a quirk in the law, the only way they can defend themselves is by appearing before a judge in Albany. Source:…