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Posts published in “Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)”

New Jersey Allows Gatherings and Opens Campgrounds

Social distancing would still be required at outdoor get-togethers, which can have up to 25 people. Face coverings are not required outside, but state officials recommend them. Source: New York Times

Coronavirus World News Tracker

Warning of a potential “big explosion” in cases, China is imposing a Wuhan-style lockdown in one region even as it opens others. Domestic flights in India will resume next week. Source: New York Times

Coronavirus World Updates

In Southeast Asia, where traffic accidents are a major killer, lockdowns have lowered the number of deaths on the road as more people stay home. But they have also sowed discontent and unrest. Source: New York Times

Coronavirus Live News: Updates and Analysis

At the hearing, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci told senators that if the country did not adequately prepare, “then we run the risk of having a resurgence.” Source: New York Times

Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump’s Remarks Prompt Warnings on Disinfectants’ Dangers; Navy Recommends Reinstating Captain

President Trump’s assertion at the White House that household disinfectants might be able to kill the coronavirus inside the body was denounced as misguided and dangerous by doctors and elected officials — and prompted Lysol and Clorox to issue statements…