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Posts published in “Elections, Mayors”

One Final Day of Campaigning

The elections for mayor in New York City and Buffalo could signal the direction of the Democratic Party in the state. Source: New York Times

New York's Five Ballot Measures: Explained

Breaking down the five proposals New York voters will see on their ballots, all involving potential amendments to the state constitution. Source: New York Times

Adams vs. Sliwa: A Guide to New York's Mayoral Race

With the New York City election just days away, we cut through the personal attacks to show where the main candidates, Eric Adams and Curtis Sliwa, stand on the issues. Source: New York Times

5 Takeaways From the Last N.Y.C. Mayoral Debate

In the final contest before Election Day, Eric Adams and Curtis Sliwa traded insults and sketched out starkly different visions for the city. Source: New York Times