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Posts published in “photography”

Sky Hopinka: Songs of the Earth and the Road

The Indigenous American artist and filmmaker is the subject of two concurrent shows. His work “rivals in visual and linguistic beauty any new art I’ve seen in some time,” our critic says. Source: New York Times

At the Queens Museum, Home and the World

In three post-lockdown exhibitions, the museum stakes out its role in the life of its neighborhood’s multiethnic citizens. Source: New York Times

Photoville Adds New Venues, Vistas and Vision

A joyous jumble of 60-plus shows in five boroughs, it is a reminder of photography’s power not just to document crisis, but to help imagine better lives. Source: New York Times

Witnessing Pandemic New York, With an Ear to the Past

The Times photographer Todd Heisler has crisscrossed New York City during the pandemic. A new project combines the images he captured with audio from before the virus quieted the city. Source: New York Times