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Posts published in “Weather”

Lightning Strike at Bronx Beach Kills 13-Year-Old Boy

The teenager, Carlos Ramos, was one of six people on Orchard Beach after lifeguards cleared the water with thunderstorms approaching on a blistering day, officials said. Source: New York Times

Why the New York Subway Has a Water Problem

Thursday’s storms flooded parts of the subway system, underscoring its vulnerability to heavy rains, which could become more common with climate change. Source: New York Times

New York City Braces for Heat and Humidity

The steamy weather, with a heat index above 100, is expected until Thursday, and the city opens centers where people can keep cool. Source: New York Times

Christmas Eve Brings Blizzard Warnings for Midwest

Forecasters predict blizzards in the Midwest. Freezing temperatures in the South. Flooding and power outages in the Northeast. And maybe tornadoes in Florida. Source: New York Times