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College Admissions Bribery Fraud Singer Gang

It’s disgusting to think that this happened or happens at all but it does and it has for a very long time. Bribery to achieve admission into top tier universities used to look like a wing of a library, a new sports complex, or a new campus building. The wonderful thing about the old days and the old ways is that the school was a direct participant. In fact, it was likely last names of the donor were used to commemorate the contribution. This was back in the days where “PROFIT” was considered a bad word in academia and academic circles. Well, that’s not the case any longer, the new “Priv de Jure” is a wannabe upper-middle class with $70K of discretionary wealth throwing it at a fraud broker AKA admissions consultant who’s job it is manipulate a system.

Some of the games being played that were unearthed as part of this event

  • A student granted extra time for the SAT/ACT cannot “labeled” or “marked” and that student’s application is reviewed along side all others. The abuse is vectors are:
    • Student family has money to pay a known corrupt psychologist to diagnose student with known leanring impairments to allow for extended time.
    • Extended time student receives a special test environment which placed the student alone in a room with the proctor at a location that may even be the students school (think private school)
    • Consultant pays off the proctor to alter test answers, no one but the student and the proctor are present or privy to the engagement.
  • Fake flying to another city to take an SAT/ACT whereby the student is replaced by a professional test taker
  • People in various academic roles with discretion accept bribes and other compensation to bend and twist rules, filling their own pockets, and allowing students to take spots away from legitimate athletes and scholars.

Singer should fry for what he has done as should all the consultants currently engaged in the practice of manipulation. Schools need to look closely at those staff members with influence and re-evaluate their role and value in the admissions process. Bad people in a system reflects on the system, meaning, the universities and colleges allow this to happen through acceptance and complacency. It’s time to look at everything again.

The parents of those involved are not entirely the problem nor responsible. This isn’t about wealth as much as it is about opportunity. Had the “admission consultant” , as a concept, never been allowed to exist, it’s likely this article wound’t exist. To solve or route out this cancer/virus, the admissions consultants need to go away. They need to found and examined. All their clients need to examined and further scrutinized. Evidence of tampering, falsifying, altering, weird testing anomalies and anything else that looks fishy should result in an investigation and subsequent dismissal where appropriate.

Why so angry?
I know kids in their Junior year. I know some of the were very poor students throughout high school. In fact, they never studied at all and suggestions where made they didn’t have to study or work hard because there was plenty if money lying around. It’s a sad day in America when some of these kids suddenly appear to have scored 1400+ on an SAT when you know it can’t be possible. It’s further odd that they all have extra time. Imagine that!

In a conversation with my daughter, I explained that a child that didn’t do the work in school will not succeed in a top tier school should they get in under false pretenses. I explained that they might have to then bribe the professors to pass courses. I explained that other students can smell the incompetency streaming off that person leaving surrounding peers asking “how is it possible that person sits next to me”. It further sucks to be that student, as they know they don’t belong.

Something interesting that happened was the creation of a lawsuit by two Stanford students. Such a suite should be extended to a CLASS ACTION seeking to recover the millions of dollars in admission application feeds going back 7 years. This would be a fabulous project for the out of work recent grad from law school.

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