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The New Yorkian

Hollywood tributes continue to pour in for Chadwick Boseman

Fans traded favorite “Black Panther” clips and photos, sending them viral. Stars and dignitaries — a former president, media moguls and a who’s who of A-list entertainment luminaries — posted heartfelt RIPs. And even across the Atlantic, a British soccer…

Olympic icon John Carlos: NBA players’ boycott made them heroes

John Carlos — who authored the most famous protest in sports history — became a hero for human rights. Now, almost 52 years after his transformative moment, Carlos has new heroes of his own: NBA players boycotting playoff games over…

16 Injured in Bus Accident Near Port Authority

One person was critically hurt after a New Jersey Transit bus struck a barrier on a ramp at 39th Street and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan, the authorities said. Source: New York Times

Have a New Address? Don’t Lose Your Mail

If you’ve decided to temporarily relocate, make sure your essential correspondence and eagerly anticipated packages can find you. Source: New York Times

At age 110 and 104, Ecuador couple certified as oldest married pair

Julio Mora slipped away from his parents to secretly marry Waldramina Quinteros one February day. Both families disapproved but 79 years later, they’re still together – he at 110 years of age, and she at 104. Source: Check out ABC…