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The Midtown Food Truck Scene

Midtown lunch can be the highlight of one persons day and the bane of the existence of another. It really depends on your field of business in midtown. We run this blog and write mobile apps so we’re a little more relaxed. On that note, we going to take a look at food trucks in this post and which ones are knocking lunch out!

Carl’s Cheese Steaks
I think they have like 5 trucks cause there everywhere. The steaks aren’t straight out of Gino’s or Pat’s but your not in Phili baby!, This is NYC! It’s not even Brooklyn, where you can actually get a decent cheese steak!. You can eat hear and not die.

DiSO’S | Italian Sandwich Society
They were really crowded today. I couldn’t wait in the line. It’s usually worth waiting if I have time. Move on… Here’s their


Old Traditional Polish Cuisine Food Truck
If your all down for something a little heavier, which doesn’t work for me when the weather gets hot like is was today, you can get a Kielbasa here.

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