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TRUMP: It’s War would like to wish President Trump a warm congratulations. You have started a trade war. It’s not like a real war, at least with a real war the country goes back to making products to support it. This war is basically ruining the one thing you claim to have, THE CONSUMER! Well, if this keeps up, that’s going to be GONE. In case you haven’t notices the markets are tanking and GOLD is going up!

OH SH1T, now you’re encouraging companies to exit manufacturing in China! WOW! Let’s all just exit tomorrow, how about that. Let’s leave all that hard work developing factories, workforce, process flow, quality exceptions, output timelines and everything else. Everything that made it possible to actually build a company on a product that can be made at a price point that the US CONSUMER could afford. Oh wait! There’s that pesky US CONSUMER again, the one that can’t afford the product made in the US because out cost of labor is too high and our regulatory bodies too strict.

This is a SH!T show. Am I the only one or is this nuts!

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